Friday, January 20, 2012


Ingredients                                                                  Quantity

Split black gram                                                             250 gm
Rice                                                                                115 gm
Oil for frying


Sugar                                                                              1/2 kg
Water                                                                              250 ml
Milk                                                                                a little

  1. Soak together the gram and rice for half an hour.
  2. Grind to a smooth paste without adding any water.
  3. Fill batter into a piping bag and pipe out in jallebi shapes into hot oil.
  4. When it turns lightly brown and it starts floating on top of the oil remove and plunge into cold sugar syrup.
  5. Prepare a syrup with 1/2 kg of sugar and 250 ml of water. Clarify with milk, bring to  a 2 string consistency. Add yellow colour and remove from fire.

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