Saturday, January 14, 2012


Ingredients                                                                       Quantity
Cabbage                                                                            150 gm
Coconut                                                                            100 gm                                                    
Green chillies                                                                    1 big
Onions                                                                               10 gm(small piece)
Turmeric                                                                            a large pinch
Garlic                                                                                  2 flakes
Salt                                                                                     to taste
Curry leaves                                                                       2 sprigs

To temper
Oil                                                                                       15 ml
Onions                                                                                5 gm
Rice                                                                                     1 tsp

1.Wash and shred cabbage fine like grated coconut 2. Grate coconut fine 3. Crush green chillies onion and garlic 4.Add coconut and turmeric and mix while grinding till well belended 5.Cook cabbage with salt and watter if desired to cook it dry but crisp 6. Add coconut mixture and curry leaves do not mix cover and cook for about 3 minutes on a slow fire to allow steam to go through coconut mix and curry leaves 7.Stir with the handle of a wooden spoon to mix 8. Remove from fire after about 2 -3 minutes it should be completely dry 9.Heat oil add finaly chopped onion when it browns add rice 10.When rice puffs up add cabbage thoran fry for about 2 to 3 minutes remove serve hot or cold
Variations: Runner beans french beans, pappaya, brinjal, snake gourd and papdican be prepared in the some manner. Mustard sweets may beeing subtituted for rice for tempering if desired.               

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