Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Ingredients                                                                       Quantity

Tomatoes (medium, even sized)                                        4 (450 gm)
Eggs                                                                                   4
Cheese                                                                                60 gm
Breadcrumbs                                                                      30 gm
Fat                                                                                      10 gm
Salt                                                                                     to taste

  1. Cut a thin slice from the top (not the stem end) of each tomato.
  2. Carefully remove pulp. Place tomatoes in a greased baking dish.
  3. Break egg and drop one into each tomato.
  4. Mix tomato pulp, grated cheese and breadcrumbs. season to taste.
  5. Roll into marbles.
  6. Place around the tomatoes.
  7. Bake until eggs are set.

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