Friday, January 13, 2012


Ingredients                                                                           Quantity

Chicken                                                                                            1 kg
Pulao rice                                                                                         400 gm
Tomatos                                                                                            200 gm
Onions                                                                                              250 gm
Garlic                                                                                                50 gm
Ginger                                                                                               50 gm
Green chillies                                                                                     50 gm
Coriender leaves                                                                               35 gm
Turmeric                                                                                           2 gm
Cinnamon & cardamom                                                                    3 gm
Cloves                                                                                              1
Fat (preferably pure ghee)                                                                 150 gm
Salt                                                                                                   20-25 gm
Water                                                                                               800 ml
Lime                                                                                                 1
  1. Clean and joint chicken.
  2. Put into a pressure cooker with half the water, turmeric and salt. After pressure built up cook for 3 minutes.
  3. Cool and open (10 min.).
  4. Wash and drain rice.
  5. Grint together ginger and garlic.
  6. Slice onions and quater tomatose.
  7. Heat fat add whole gram masala.
  8. Add sliced onions and saute.
  9. Add ginger and garlic and fry for 10 min.
  10. Add tomatose, whole green chillies and chopped coriander leaves. Fry for another 10 min.
  11. Add salt. Add fried ingredients to chicken and add remaining water (hot).
  12. Bring to boil. Add rice and lime juice.
  13. Put lied on. Then steam starts coming output weight on and cook for 10-12 min. over slow fire.
  14. Slightly (10-15 min) open and serve immediately.


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