Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Ingredients                                  Quantity

Poatatoes                                        225 gm
Peas                                                225 gm
Carrots                                            115 gm
Cauliflower                                     115 gm
Onions                                            55 gm
Lime                                               1/2
Ginger                                             a little
Mar mite                                          5 gm
Salt                                                  to taste
Fat to fry(absorption)                      30 gm
Eggs                                                1
Breadcrumbs                                   30 gm


  1. Clean and cut vegetables.
  2. Boil and mash.
  3. Add finely chopped onions, lime juice, marmite, ginger and salt.
  4. Form into rounds, 7.5 cm. (3") in diameter.
  5. Coat with egg and breadcrumbs and deep fry. Drain and serve hot.

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