Monday, February 6, 2012

Almond Ice-Cream

Ingredients                                             Quantity

Milk                                                          2.5 litre
Almonds (125 gm shredded and 125 gm ground finely )
Sugar                                                         to taste
Rose water
Kesar  (saffron)                                         2 packets ( about 1/2 gm)

  1. Boil the milk to two-thirds of the original quantity.
  2. Add sugar and ground almonds.
  3. Add rose water, shredded almonds and kesar.
  4. Keep half in an ice tray and half in a bowl.
  5. Scrape and mix when serving.
N.B. Half cashewnuts and half almonds could be used instead of just almonds in which case, add a few drops of almond essence.

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