Thursday, February 2, 2012


Ingredients                                          Quantity

Ash gourd                                              225 gm
Haricot beans(red)                                 115 gm
Green chillies (slit)                                10 gm
Small onions (sliced)                             30 gm
Coconut                                                  55 gm
Coconut oil                                             15 ml
Curry leaves                                            2 springs
Cumin powder                                        a pinch
Salt                                                          to taste

  1. Peel and cut ash gourd into cubes.
  2. Boil the ash gourd with chillies, curry leaves and onions, salt and powdered cumin.
  3. Soak beans overnight. Boil till tender.
  4. Scrape coconut and extract milk.
  5. Add cooked beans and coconut milk to ash gourd. Bring to boil.
  6. Add fresh coconut oil. Mix well and remove. Serve hot.

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